Solutions For Comfort: Air Conditioners

Stay cool and comfortable this summer with the right air conditioner.

With its mix of hot, humid summers and cold winters, Ottawa demands efficient cooling solutions to keep homes comfortable during the warmer months.

This guide will cover essential aspects such as energy efficiency, cooling capacities, noise levels, and customizable smart features.

Whether you're looking for a central air system for comprehensive home cooling, a ductless mini-split for specific areas, or a portable unit for flexibility. This guide is here to help navigate your options and make informed decisions tailored to your family’s needs and Ottawa’s climate.

Understanding how air conditioners work

Air conditioners work by removing heat from indoor air and releasing it outside, thereby cooling the interior space. They use a refrigerant that cycles through a series of coils.

First, the refrigerant absorbs heat from indoor air in the evaporator coil, turning into a gas. This gas is then compressed, raising its temperature, and flows to the condenser coil outside, where it releases the absorbed heat and condenses back into a liquid. A fan blows the cooled air back into the room, and the cycle repeats, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

5 factors to consider when choosing an air conditioner

AC 1
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    Size & Home cooling capacity: Your home needs cooling to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. This will help determine what size unit your home would need to cool efficiently.

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    Operating stages: Consider an AC's ability to dehumidify along with its ability to cool. Single-stage units run at one speed and may not remove enough humidity on moderate days. Two-stage units can run at half speed, improving humidity control. Modulating units provide precise temperature and humidity control, ensuring comfort regardless of the weather.

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    Insulation and ductwork: No ductwork = consider a ductless system. Ductwork = consider a central cooling system.

AC 2
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    Efficiency ratings:

    • Co-efficient of Performance (COP). Ex: For 30 ºC, COP > 1.9 is excellent.
    • Heating Season Performance Factor (HSPF).
    • Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER).
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     Noise: Typically, more efficient units are also quieter.

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    Your budget: The cost of an air conditioner can vary depending on the type, model, and installation needed to support your home's characteristics and size.

Looking for new equipment or servicing your current equipment? Contact us!